This post has nothing to do with the school shooting in Florida, but in a roundabout way, it is associated to that tragedy. It has to do with an age-old truism. When someone is armed, malicious thugs think twice about attacking him or her, period. It has always been this way and it will always be this way. It is self-defense 101!

Predators do not target strong people who are ready, willing and able to take them down. Anyone who knows anything about self-defense will tell you this. If they don't, you need to find an instructor who knows what they are talking about. Thugs target the weak and the vulnerable, period. It is this way in the animal kingdom and the same holds true in the streets and other places.

How many mass shootings have you have heard of in a shooting range or in a police station? Muggers don't loiter around outside of martial arts dojos or gun stores; they want to find people who are easy targets and unprepared to fight back. As a rule, people who are carrying firearms are not easy targets; they shoot back.

Gun-free zones only serve one purpose - to announce that nobody in that place is any threat to someone who is well-armed. It is the equivalent of walking through a dark alley in some large city, in the middle of the night on crutches. Why do you think so many of these horrible mass shootings happen in our public schools which publicly "brag" about how they are a gun-free zone?

Before you attack me as being someone who knows nothing about education, who is anti-public education, or who is an uneducated redneck, let me state that I am a retired teacher who worked in the public schools for years. I also have 5 college degrees, and no, I am not a Republican. I know exactly what happens in our schools and what kind of lax security they have. This gun-free zone bullshit is enabling these attacks, not preventing them. This is a proven fact.

I went to high school in the late 70's and early 80's. At my school, about 1/3 of the cars and trucks in the parking lot had firearms in them. Many of them had gun racks with one or two rifles on them. And not one person from my school every shoot anyone, either at school or away from school. Guns are not the problem, ignorance, mental illness, and the epidemic of liberalism in our schools is the problem.

When I was growing up, people of my generation were taught how to handle and respect firearms. We got in fist fights. We beat the crap out of each other, and had enemies, yet shooting each other never crossed our minds. We were raised correctly. We didn't fear guns; we respected guns. We didn't curse our teachers, at least not to their faces. If we would have, we would have gotten our butts paddled at school and whipped at home.

Today, we have a whole generation who has not been raised to respect much of anything at all. Teachers cannot teach morals because that would be "judgmental and inappropriate." Too many parents neglect to teach their children how to behave and expect the schools to do it for them.

Many children learn how to behave from the hypocrites in Hollywood, who champion gun control, but who glamorize violence and shooting people in their movies. Others learn from trash-mouthed "musicians" and rappers, yeah, I do consider those two different genres.

If our country continues on the path it is on, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a history lesson, much like the Roman Empire. It is high time that people get back to teaching their children how to live with character, honor, respect, and courage.

It is time for to get rid of liberal "gun free" zones, which are in reality only gun-free to the law abiding citizens who are no threat to anyone. In case you haven't realized it yet, criminals and murderers don't care about laws or gun-free zones. This has been proven time and time again. Gun-free zones do nothing to stop thugs with guns from shooting people.

It is time for common sense to come back into style. Quit worrying about offending some small-minded wuss and start stating the truth. In this case, the truth is that when the prey is armed, predators think twice about attacking them. The truth is gun-free zones are meaningless to criminals, thugs, and predators.

The truth is that we protect our president, our politicians, our celebrities, our banks, our money, and our country with firearms, but we protect our children with idiotic signs which read - "THIS CAMPUS IS A GUN FREE ZONE." Are our children not as important as some sleazy politician? Are they less important than some ditzy celebrity? Is your money more important than your children's lives?

Albert Einstein stated, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." How many of our children must die before someone stands up and says that this liberal, gun-free zone bullshit doesn't work? Maybe it is time to replace liberal values in our education system with common sense, character, and armed guards to protect our children from the morally bankrupt in our society.  

Bohdi Sanders - author of the new book, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, and the #1 Bestsellers, Modern Bushido and Men of the Code, available on Amazon and on my website, The Wisdom Warrior
